
Courses Offered

The Manipur University introduced Semester system for the Three Year Degree from the academic session 201011 onwards. Students shall have to opt one subject as an Honours paper from Fifth Semester onwards.


1. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

It is a Three Years Degree Course comprising of six semesters. Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and home Science are opened in this college. A student should opt for Honours Course in the Semester V and VI (3rd year) in one of the following subjects Botany, Zoology, and Home science.


2. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

There shall be a Three year Degree Course of study leading to the Bachelor of Arts' Degree. English, Manipuri, Political Science, Education, Economics, Home Science, Philosophy and Mathematics are opened for Arts students. A student should opt for Honours Course only in the semesters V and VI (3rd year) in any one of the following subjects English, Manipuri, Political Science, Education, Home Science, Geography, History.


3. UGC B.VOC DEGREE Programme



Floriculture & Landscaping


Tourism & Hospitality Management


Apparel & Fashion Designing



College Location

Contact Us

Ideal Girls' College

Akampat, Imphal

Manipur 795001

Call us Now +91-385-2445518